A guide to your dream life: manifesting success and breaking mental barriers

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Welcome to Episode 12 of our transformative series, where Lauren Klein, your guide and mentor, delivers a solo episode on one of the most empowering tools in your arsenal: Manifestation. In “A Guide to Your Dream Life: Manifesting Success,” Lauren delves deep into the art and science of turning your dreams into reality. This episode is a journey through the steps of manifestation, helping you assess your emotions, clear limiting beliefs, and harness the power of positive intentions to design the life you’ve always envisioned. Whether you’re a law student or a young professional, these insights are your ticket to a more fulfilled and successful future.

🌟 Timestamped Show Notes:

[00:00:00 – 00:01:55] Checking In: Manifesting Your Desires
Lauren begins with a heart-to-heart on manifesting success, focusing on assessing feelings and emotions to shape desired outcomes.

[00:03:28 – 00:05:40] Dream Big: Designing Your Life
Learn how to dream big and set the groundwork for manifestation with practical steps to focus your intentions.

[00:06:00 -00:11:22] Step 1: Getting Clear on Your Desires
Practical tips to gain clarity on what you want and how you want it to feel in your life and career.

[00:11:24 – 00:19:15] Step 2: Visualize and Feel Your Future
Techniques for tapping into your future self and setting powerful intentions.

[00:19:17 – 00:23:35] Step 3: Clearing Limiting Beliefs
Lauren shares personal insights on overcoming fears and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

[00:23:35 -00:28:33] Step 4: Collecting Evidence
Gathering proof and affirmations that reinforce your belief in your future success.

[00:28:36 – 00:31:53] Step 5: Act As If
Embracing the best version of yourself and living in alignment with your goals.

[00:31:55-00:32:48] Step 6: Follow Your Intuition
Tips on how to listen to and follow your inner guidance.

[00:32:53 – 00:33:02] Share Your Journey
Lauren encourages listeners to share their manifestation stories.

[00:33:20 – 00:33:53] Virtual Vision Board Party
Join Lauren on December 28, 2023, for a special back-to-school vision board party.

Your dreams are within reach, and this episode is your roadmap to achieving them. If these steps towards manifesting your ideal life resonated with you, don’t keep them to yourself! Share this episode with friends, colleagues, and anyone ready to transform their vision into reality. And remember, the journey to your dream life is more joyous when shared. So, hit that ‘Subscribe’ button, share your success stories, and join us at the virtual vision board party. Together, let’s make your dreams a reality.

🔗 Contact Information

Vision Board Party December 28, 2023, at 7:00pm
Register Here: https://www.laurenalexisklein.com/go/visionboardparty/
Website: https://flourishlawgroup.com/
Personal Site: https://www.laurenalexisklein.com/
Subscribe to the Podcast: https://podcast.laurenalexisklein.com/

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